Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Words of Wisdom

I have let the Words of Wisdom slide for a while now. Mostly because I have been struggling with staying positive and keeping my head above water but also because Donnie has been busy. I know there are plenty of other sites that have Words of Wisdom but to be honest Donnie's seem to speak to what's happening in people's lives today. I know they do in mine.

So for those of you struggling like I am with being positive here are a few of Donnie's Recent Words of Wisdom:

There's nothing that can stop you besides you.
You always find a way to push through.
Today you will too.
You always do.
Now, get to it.

Make this Monday, the best Monday of any Monday you've ever had, in the history of all Mondays, since the creation of Mondays. #HappyMonday!

Mostly sunny means more sun than clouds, partly sunny means more clouds than sun, and partly cloudy means an equal amount of clouds and sun

You have the right to be happy.
You deserve to be happy.
Your own happiness will not prevent others happiness, it'll only enhance theirs!

Love yourself.  Trust yourself. Respect yourself. Appreciate yourself. Forgive yourself. Express yourself. You deserve no less than the best!

We are all here.
All in this together.
Together whether we like it or not.
I happen to love it, in fact.
Life is a gift.
So why not live it?

If you make only one choice today people...

Make the choice to be happy! 

It really is that simple

In this moment...
In any given moment...
In the most trying of moments...
In the most joyous of moments...
Take a moment for #gratitude.

Life is hard... until it isn't.

Life is scary... until it isn't.

Life is life... until it is over!

Stop worrying & start freaking living!

If there is a WOW that moves you feel free to comment below. 

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