Saturday, June 15, 2013

iOS 7 Beta

Ok so I did the Beta iOS 7 for both iPhone 4s and my daughter's iPhone 5. All in all I have to say first and foremost it is a BETA version so any bugs or issues I am sure will be fixed. I did like it a lot, and to be honest I can't wait for the official release. With that being said I restored both of our phones today to the 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 version for obvious reasons. Nothing to do with the future of the software but remember it is a BETA version and my apps are all made for 6.1.3. The funny thing is that in all my apps only one had a problem with iOS 7 for the most part the rest worked a little slow but they worked.

I did the beta by seeing a Google+ post by Andrey Rivers  which sent me to the iOS 7 instruction site that I used

So my thoughts on iOS 7 the BETA version:

  1. I didn't like the Facebook/Twitter screen gone from the notification screen. 
  2. I didn't like the calendar view at all. I like having the month view that still shows me the appointments of the day not being forced into a day view. 
  3. I wasn't impressed with iTunes radio but in it's defense it is the beta and I never liked the radio apps or the iTunes radio on the computer in the first place. 
  4. I loved Dynamic Wallpapers and I must say if they can get this feature working I have two words for you "Donnie 10x" if you don't get that you are not a Blockhead, if you do yup imagine that as your background and lock screen! 
  5. I loved the fact that we finally FINALLY will have the weather screen similar to the Galaxy and other Androids. 
  6. I like the Control Panel and to be honest I loved the flow of the whole iOS. 
  7. My daughter's iphone had this lovely glitch that made me laugh. It would flip between New York Time zone and Chicago. Yup flip, one minute it was an hour ahead the next it was the right time. When we went in and tried to adjust the time zone it only gave us London. I promptly told her the iPhone was trying to make up for the fact that she wanted to go to London and was trying to help. Not to mention that is where her favorite band is so it was just trying to help her out since she can't see them next week. She didn't like the joke and found no humor in me. 
  8. The moving wallpaper is pretty cool I hope there will be more wallpaper options when it is officially released. (Donnie 10x will work for me!) 

I did some screenshots from my iPhone:

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