Sunday, February 3, 2013

Customer Service and Quality Tips

Let's face it we have all been in a store or called our Customer Service/Tech support people and had the rudest most incomprehensible experience ever.

For all my customer service and tech support peeps this is for you.

1) Remember the customer is always right. Yes ALWAYS!!! Even when you know they are wrong they are right! They are calling YOU because they know they need help that shows they are right!

2) YOU are the expert BUT that doesn't mean that you are better than them or can treat them anyway you please. They pay your bills and come to you for understanding and help not the other way around. Think about it would YOU like someone talking down to you and treating you like an idiot?? Don't do it to them!

3) Don't ask what you can call them or say may I call you ____. This is RUDE. If they want you to use their first name THEY will tell you. Don't use a difficult last name as an excuse most of your customers are over 18 which means they have lived with that name for over 18 years! They are use to it being butchered and will not take offense sound it out! If they married into the name they were once in your shoes so sound it out! Don't cop out and be rude!

4) No matter how "slow" or how long it is taking then have patience! You were once in their shoes! They don't need you saying "If you would just listen to me", "I said this three times", etc. please talk to them like you should/would your grandparents. Meaning be respectful and patient! They are paying your bills if you make them feel stupid and a pain they won't call back and then you are out of a job!

5) Don't lie to the customer! They know when you are lying and it messes the credibility of the entire team when you lie. The next person they call and they will call back gets to spend more time apologizing and fixing your lie. You don't want to be the rep that gets that call so don't send that call out!

6) Watch your tone and demeanor! Sometimes without meaning to you can say something and your tone is what makes it offensive and equal to yelling at them. The minute you give a customer an attitude is the minute your job just became more difficult and will be an up hill battle! Not to mention they will escalate and demand to speak to your manager and don't lie and say you don't have one!

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